The Roles and Responsibilities of a Paediatric Dental Surgeon
There is always a possibility of undergoing oral surgery, as early as infancy to teenage years. Thankfully, professionals such as paediatric oral surgeons are there to help with any dental emergencies throughout the many stages of childhood. Other than being trained professionals when dealing with matters of the teeth, they are also skilled in how to make children feel at ease.
In this article, let us further dive deep into the roles and responsibilities of dental surgeons for children. Let us also discuss the signs when a child requires oral surgery.
Roles and Responsibilities of a Paediatric Dental SurgeonPaediatric dentistry is not like any other specialty in dentistry as they cover the many oral healthcare needs of children, including restorative care, phase 1 orthodontics, and minor oral surgical procedures. Paediatric dentists provide dental care to one-year-olds until they turn 18 — basically infantsinfants, toddlers, children, and young adults.
The following are the common procedures performed by paediatric oral surgeons:
- Correct bite through jaw realignment
- Cosmetic surgeries
- Counselling for child’s pacifier use and thumb sucking habits
- Dental implant surgery
- Diagnosis of oral conditions associated with other body diseases
- Early assessment and treatment for straightening teeth
- Preventive dental care
- Providing nutrition and diet recommendations
- Removal of cysts and tumours
- Repair broken jaw and facial bones
- Risk assessment for caries in mother and child
- Soft tissue biopsies
- Tooth extractions
- Treat Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders
Just like any other healthcare professional, years of schooling and practical experience are also required for paediatric dental training.
To attain a license in Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) or Doctor of Dental Medicine (DDM), one must earn a bachelor’s degree, attend dental school, and pass a set of dental certification tests (DMD) before they can perform and practice their profession.
Learn How to Manage Child’s BehaviourThere is such a thing as dental phobias; in fact, both adults and children have this. Most children are anxious and apprehensive whenever their parents tell them they are due for a dental checkup.
And this is what paediatric dental surgeons should learn how to deal with and manage. They should be trained in the various techniques in dealing with such a phobia as it could affect their dental health down the line.
Continuous LearningSignificant changes are occurring even in the healthcare industry, and that includes dentistry. That is why every paediatric dentist should make it a point to continuously educate themselves to keep up to date on the latest technological advancements and research findings in the dental industry.
They acquire new skills, improve or enhance old ones, and ensure that their patients get the best possible treatment and preventive care using up-to-date procedures through continuous education.
Signs When a Child Needs a Paediatric Dental SurgeonSuppose your paediatrician or any health professional referred you to a paediatric dental surgeon. In that case, your child needs it and that they are the ones with the right skillset and experience to bring back your child’s optimal dental health state.
But, what if no one referred you to one yet? How would you know when your child needs a dental surgeon at the moment? Well, worry not, because here are three primary signs you need to look out for.
1) Tooth AchePerhaps toothTooth pain is the most prevalent complaint that might require the assistance of a paediatric dental surgeon. For younger children, you may notice them react when they eat or drink anything that is cold. Chances are, their underlying dental condition, such as cavities, is already making them sensitive.
For such instances, it is best to bring them to a paediatric dental surgeon who can provide preventative dental treatment to end their tooth discomfort and treat any dental conditions you might not be aware of.
2) Dental Emergencies and InjuriesIf your children got themselves in an accident that knocked their teeth out, or if they feel any pain with their jaws, you must seek the assistance of a dental surgeon right away.
Once you do, there is still a chance to save the tooth. And if there is any concussion around the jaws or mouth area, it will be determined and dealt with right away before it worsens and becomes an irreversible problem.
3) Instil Good Dental Care HabitsAfter getting any dental treatment, your local paediatric dental surgeon may advise you and your child to start a routine to ensure good dental health habits where they will be cooperative and eventually become responsible for their oral health.
As parents, it is your responsibility to help your children develop a sense of responsibility towards their dental health. It is essential to instil an excellent dental care routine as young as toddlers because it can affect their future dental health. With your guidance, they will bring such habits into adulthood and will experience little to no dental health problems that are caused by poor oral hygiene.
When to Schedule Your Child’s First Dental Checkup?As parents, especially first-time ones, you may not be aware yet that your newborn or toddlers may experience dental conditions such as cavities.
As soon as their first tooth appears, make sure you contact your local paediatric dentist so your children can undergo a dental exam. In fact, before their first birthday, it is advised that you consider bringing them to a dentist.
Schedule Your Child’s First Dental Check-up at Chadstone DentalMost children are afraid to go on dental check-ups, and that is why we want your kid’s first dental check-up to be a great one. Hence, at Chadstone Dental, we always make it a point to give them the best dental services that will ensure that their mindsets toward dental check-ups are positive.
One of the ways we do it is to give them a goodie bag that contains a balloon, stickers, and a colouring page after their consultation. Should you need us for your child’s dental consultation, care and treatment, call us on (03) 9568-0222 or email us at info@chadstonedental.com.au.