03 9568 0222 Mon to Fri 9am - 6pm, Sat 8:30am - 3pm

Family Dentist

Home – Family Dentist

We are Your Family-Friendly Dentist

Some adults really struggle to get their own teeth checked every six months because they want to come to see us without their children and that’s not always easy. Don’t worry, just come in!

Bring Your Children to our Dentist Practice

Great dentistry for kids starts with bringing your children from a really young age, you’ll familiarise them with the concept of getting their teeth ‘counted’ and cleaned.

Why do you need a regular check up?

We run a family practice and most of our dentists are parents themselves. Our nurses are well trained, brilliant and very familiar with taking charge of your baby or child so that you can relax.

We have staff that are able to step in and look after your children even from newborn and there’s a real advantage to having children who view the dentist as a normal practice, so that they don’t have any concern when it’s their turn for a checkup. We don’t corral your child but we have plenty for them to do.

How we entertain your children at the dentist

We understand that once you get to Chadstone shopping center, you want to stick around and do more than one thing. Maybe you’ll get lunch after you pop in, but first you have to keep your child entertained, which is why we have plenty for children to do.

After your child’s dentist appointment, all children receive show bags, toys, stickers and drawings to colour in so that coming to see us is a pleasure.

Once your child is old enough, getting them involved is the fastest way to ensure their six-monthly regular clean and check up becomes a pleasure rather than a chore.

For young children, being right with mum or dad is a really safe space to be when they are first getting their teeth counted and cleaned. We let your child lay down on top of you in the dental chair for their checkup, which turns most children into interested participants as we find out together how many teeth they have.

Our dentists count children’s teeth, do a special clean with a crunchy toothpaste, then apply the fluoride gel for protection.

family dentistry chadstone

One Dentist and 3 Child Checkups in 30 Minutes!

We can check your whole family at once!

A group of three girls came to see us recently aged 3, 7 and 9. One of our expert dentists for kids, Jason, saw them all in turn in the one session, taking around 10 minutes each to check, clean and apply gel to each child.

Jason created a rotating roster that entertained everyone and made everyone relax. The girls were so comfortable that their mum was surprised to see one child leaning on Jason’s leg, peering into her sisters’ mouth, knowledgeably counting teeth!

Jason recalls: “We had one counting teeth, one helping by holding the special toothpaste and one in the big chair wearing the rockstar sunnies.

With them rotating around they were all engaged and enjoyed their time, and all three were cleaned checked and done within 30 minutes.”

The Life Cycle of Family Dental Care

As we have been in practice for over 25 years, we see pregnant mothers come in for their checkups, then bring in their babies who become children, then independent adults.

It’s a great pleasure to see families that grow up and return to us year after year, decade after decade.

The Power of a Well-Received Dental Practice

We often see new patients that are referred by other patients and that is a huge source of new clients over time, allowing us to grow to a practice that has several dedicated dentists and nurses ready to serve you.

We also have patients that return to us from other parts of Australia, such as Perth, where two of our clients actually worked out that they saw the same dentist in Melbourne, us!

If you’re still wondering whether you can get your child on track to have their teeth cleaned regularly, then here’s a hot tip:

Bribe them with the only southern hemisphere​ Lego land!

family dentist

We’re here to answer all your questions up front!

We will give you a quote on any and all services so that you can be
sure that your choices are within your timeframe and budget.

Please call us at


Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks.
Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.