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Take the children to Legoland

Being the parent of a young child takes a lot of energy, doesn’t it? Just making it out of the house can become this impossible task that seemed so easy before you had children.

Getting yourself and your little one dressed and ready is the first hurdle, then the pram and the nappies, the stroller and snacks, the changes of clothes, bottles of milk or water.

At Chadstone Dental we have a huge advantage that once you are out of the car, there’s plenty of shopping and treats to experience before you have to get back in.

We also have a magic ingredient to ensure that your children will love seeing their local dentist … LEGOLAND!

We Welcome LEGOLAND Discovery Centre Melbourne

For children 3-10 this is THE place to go. In fact, we have the only Legoland in the southern hemisphere, right here in Chadstone!

One of the best features about this adventure land is that you can only enter with your child on regular days. Ticket prices vary and you can add Seaworld to your ticket if you would like to experience even more child friendly fun.

For kids under 10 this treat is the reward that will ensure an easy, efficient dental checkup. Planning your trip to visit us, is fast and can easily be rewarded by a joyful time at this new unique local attraction.

Some of the unique experiences at LEGOLAND include

  • Immerse yourself in a 3D and 4D film experience (watch you don’t get blown away!)
  • Take a ride on a Kingdom Quest
  • Become Merlin’s apprentice and make potions
  • Use the plans to build everything from a bear to a treasure chest!

Our clients tell us it’s one of the best ways to make sure your child has clean teeth and a happy day.Book Online Now for your checkup.


 For tickets to LEGOLAND, click here.

If you’re a bit disappointed about the age range, don’t worry!

For adults that love a good lego experience, there are adult evenings from time to time.