Important Facts You May Not Have Known About Dental Implant Surgery
Your health must always be your top priority. It is hard to function if you aren’t in your best health conditions. Since your dental health is an essential part of your wellbeing, it follows that good care of your teeth should be taken.
If you don’t take care of your oral health, you will be faced with gum and teeth problems down the line. So, the minute you feel like there is something wrong with your pearly whites, you must meet with your dentist as soon as possible. Dealing with any oral problems before they worsen can save your teeth.
In this post, we’ll go over the importance of having good oral health and why you should consider getting dental implant surgery to improve your smile.
What is a Dental Implant?
Tooth loss happens to everyone. As kids, your teeth will slowly start to fall off to make room for your adult teeth, but for adults, there is no natural way of replacing teeth.
That’s why people rely on artificial and surgical methods to get their smile back. Some people get dentures fitted to replace lost teeth. But the thing is, as your teeth and jaw adjust, you might also need to keep getting new dentures. For a more permanent fix, some people put their trust in dental implants.
One of the most recommended ways of replacing missing teeth is dental implant surgery. This is the process of replacing the tooth root with metal, screw-like post and an artificial tooth that looks and works like the real thing. This procedure is the best alternative if you find that your dentures don’t fit well. The procedure is also a permanent fix, unlike dentures or bridges where you might need some adjustments from time to time.
Important Facts
If you have missing teeth, you must be looking for an option to get them replaced. Although many dental services can help you out, you still need to consider which treatment plan to go for. A popular option is getting dental implant surgery. If you want to get this procedure, you should know some important facts about it first.
Best Option
Getting a dental implant is the most practical option. This is a one-time procedure that won’t require you to constantly meet with your dentist for adjustments and realignments. The materials used to replace your teeth are also very strong, so you don’t have to worry about them breaking.
It is Not for Everyone
Although getting a dental implant is a recommended option, it does not apply to some people. You need to be qualified to get a dental implant. A dentist will have to check your gum health and bone structure to see if you are an ideal candidate for dental surgery. If not, your dentist will recommend other procedures for you to choose from.
Will Require a Diet Change
As with any new thing, it will have to take some getting used to before things begin to feel normal again. When you’ve had a dental implant, you will need to change your diet for a bit to prevent any complications. Your new teeth will still be a bit sensitive, so you might want to stick to eating soft foods for a while. Once they have fully healed, you’ll be back to eating all your favourite dishes again.
Relatively Painless
The procedure is relatively painless as it is done with anaesthesia. And implants aren’t rare procedures, so you can be sure that your dentist knows what they’re doing and will treat you with the best care. You may feel a little discomfort after the surgery but that’s normal.
Prevents Shifting
When you lose a tooth, the rest of your teeth and your jaw bone tend to adjust to fill the extra space. By getting an implant, you keep the rest of your teeth in place.
Generate Bone Growth
Getting an implant can make your teeth stronger. Through the process of osseointegration, your bone fuses with the metal piece, making it stronger.
Improves Health
Once your teeth are already in good shape, you will see your physical and emotional health improving. You will be able to process your food better. And you will gain back your confidence to smile.
Your Dental Health is Important
It’s easy to believe that your teeth can handle themselves. The truth is, just like any part of your body, you need to maintain your teeth. That is why you must always practice good oral hygiene. This includes brushing your teeth, flossing, eating healthy food, and going to the dentist regularly.
Doing all these can keep your teeth in good shape. However, even if you meticulously take care of your oral health, there will be times when you face dental problems. That is why you shouldn’t be afraid to go to your dentist for any services like dental implant surgery.
By facing the problem head-on, you are sure to prevent it from worsening.