How Often Do You Need to Visit Your Dentist?
It’s undeniable that dental care is essential. However, most people simply don’t know when to schedule their dental check-up. Well, the answer isn’t as simple as you might think. Visiting the dentist for dental services usually varies on your individual circumstances and risk factors.
Some dentists will recommend their patients to visit for a dental check-up every six months. On the other hand, other dental clinics advise their patients to schedule an annual appointment. However, your dentist might suggest more frequent visits, especially if you are currently experiencing oral health problems.
How often do Australians visit their dentists?
Based on the information collected in a National Dental Telephone Interview Survey that canvassed people of all ages in 2010, most Australians from higher-income families frequently visit their dentist.
The survey also revealed that only 55.5% of adults had visited their dentist in the last 12 months. The number is higher when it comes to younger age groups. At least 73.9% of children aged 5-11 and 78.4% of young people aged 12-17 visited their dentist in the preceding 12 months.
So, When Is the Right Time?
While the numbers show a bigger perspective on the population’s dental care, everyone has to understand that we all have unique oral health needs. That’s why we’ve made a comprehensive guide to give you an insight into the right time to schedule your dental appointments.
For Regular Exams
Checking the condition of your teeth regularly is crucial for a lot of reasons. When it comes to regular dental exams, you can have a bi-annual schedule with your dentist. This way, dental professionals can check whether your teeth are healthy or not.
However, you also need to ask and consult your dentist regarding the appropriate schedule for your situation. Your dentist may require you to come more frequently for a cleaning and examine if:
You Are Pregnant.
Developing gum diseases and cavities are fairly common to expecting moms. When you are pregnant, you experience fluctuating hormones that can put you at a greater risk for oral health problems.
You Are Diagnosed with Cancer.
Cancer patients are prescribed high doses of medication that can easily dry out the mouth. That’s why they need to visit the dentist more often to ensure they avoid any oral or dental health complications.
You Are a Smoker.
Familiar with smoker’s breath? Most smokers do have bad breath, and that’s because of tobacco. Cigarettes can cause gum disease and even slows down the recovery rate following dental procedures and oral surgery.
For Clean and Scale
You probably brush your teeth regularly. However, having proper dental services, such as clean and scale, is essential. These procedures are designed to remove stains and plaque, so you can have a brighter smile. Typically, you need to schedule a clean and scale every six months to avoid plaque buildup. If you don’t schedule a dental cleaning procedure, the plaque can harden and cause tooth decay and gum diseases.
For Good Measure
Back then, people only visit the dentist to fix existing problems – be it toothache or sensitivity. Today, you can schedule a visit to a dental clinic at any time. So, if you’re experiencing even the slightest pain, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment. Leaving your oral health problems to get better on their own will cause you more pain and problems in the future.
For Recurring Oral Health Issues
Once you go to the dental clinic the first time you felt pain or sensitivity, your dentist will prescribe medication and treatment to ease the pain. However, sometimes, the pain becomes recurring and unbearable.
When this happens, you should always go back to your dentist. This way, they can determine whether the treatment plan and medication they administered is appropriate for your situation.
For Children
Most people are quite afraid of their regular dental appointments, especially kids. If you have children, taking them to the dentist for a routine check-up can be a headache.
However, it’s extremely critical. You should schedule the first visit within six months of their first tooth appearing to develop healthy oral and dental health.
At a young age, your children should feel comfortable and accustomed to different dental exams. A lot of kids’ dentists are well-trained and experienced to make your children comfortable on the dental chair. That’s why you need to choose the right dentist and teach your kids how to maintain good dental habits as they grow up.
Bottom Line: Regular Dental Visits Are Important
Now that you finally know how often you should visit the dentist, are you overdue for a dental appointment? If you haven’t visited a dentist for over a year now, you should consider making an appointment for a thorough dental cleaning services and oral health assessment.
Here at Chadstone Dental, you can rely on our friendly, caring dentists in Malvern East for all your dental and oral health needs. Whether you simply want a check-up or require intensive dental services, we will make your feel comfortable during your appointment.
For more details and information, please don’t hesitate to call us on 03 9568 0222 or